Letter: Direct billing for waste collection 


Does anyone else have this question? Laguna Beach has informed us that our solid waste and recycling services, currently provided by Waste Management, will be billed directly to the residents of Laguna Beach by the new service provider (CR&R) as of July 1, 2024. For me, that begs the question: how is this service billed now?

The answer is that it is paid for by a Laguna Beach assessment on property taxes. What has not been addressed by the city is whether or not that assessment will be terminated. If the current assessment, i.e., tax, is not terminated, then the residents of Laguna Beach will be paying twice for the same service.  Clearly, the city should not be taxing us for a service it is not providing. We should expect the city to confirm this. 

David S. Watkins, Laguna Beach

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