Students showcase emergency response and theatrical skills in mock disaster drill


Laguna Beach High School students demonstrated their skills in a simulated mass casualty incident (MCI) simulation on Wednesday at the school’s Guyer Stadium. During the exercise, students enrolled in the Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathways for Emergency Response and Theatre collaborated to reenact a scenario involving a power transformer explosion at the stadium.

Emergency Response students engaged in search and rescue operations, victim triage and emergency medical treatment. Photo courtesy of LBUSD

Theatre students applied their makeup and costuming skills to authentically portray victims with varied injuries while showcasing their ability to simulate medical conditions that evolved based on the emergency treatment they received. On the other hand, Emergency Response students engaged in search and rescue operations, victim triage, and emergency medical treatment. Their performance was evaluated by the Laguna Beach Police and Fire Departments, which assessed the appropriateness of the treatment given to the simulated injuries.

Theatre and emergency response students take part in a mock disaster drill. Photo courtesy of LBUSD

The drill, observed by both departments and program instructors, included real-time scenarios like crowd control, transporting victims, and handling of “live” power lines to create a realistic training environment. This event is part of the student’s preparation for the National EMT Registry Exam, the final step in their journey to becoming certified Emergency Medical Technicians.

Emergency Response students engaged in search and rescue operations, victim triage and emergency medical treatment. Photo courtesy of LBUSD

The MCI drill not only tested practical skills but also served as a culminating demonstration of their year-long training in the CTE pathways. Approximately 35 Emergency Response and Theatre Pathways students participated, with additional support from students enrolled in Medical Core Honors who assisted in triage zones.

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