Obituary: Joseph Brian Browne


Joseph Brian Browne, known fondly as “Joe” to many locals and as owner of The Shoe Cellar for the past 30 years in Laguna Beach, Calif., passed away on May 8, 2024. Known for his kindness and warmth, curiosity, deep knowledge of history, photographic memory, and sense of humor, he was loved and will be missed by family and friends.

From a very young age, Joseph’s passion for learning and the world beyond his own motivated his love of travel and reading. He was a talented photographer. He graduated from New York University where he studied history and government with a concentration in Luso-Brazilian studies. Widely traveled, he spent time in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Chile, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sri Lanka and India.

He lived and worked in the Rajasthani desert of Northern India as a Peace Corps volunteer for more than two years setting up cooperative stores for the local communities under conditions of intolerable heat and lack of modern amenities. He went on to a successful career in merchandising for Bloomingdales in its heyday in New York and later J.W. Robinsons in California before getting into his own business. He was well respected in the retail business and was able to spot trends early, with a keen eye for detail.

When he wasn’t working, he was often reading. He was fascinated by the concept of harvest and was a wine connoisseur who understood the value of California wines long before it became fashionable. Ready for a bright, beautiful and unusual future every day, he was also a major fan of more ordinary tastes like cherry pie and vanilla ice cream. He could disarm you with a smile and make you laugh with a quip. He liked to help people and was a great gift-giver, finding something that would surprise or please the recipient. Most of all Joseph paid attention. He listened and observed.

He leaves behind his wife of 56 years, Alice Browne, and daughters Sharmaine and Tamara, as well as his twin brother, Peter, and sister Geraldine. He was preceded in death by his younger brother, Dennis, and his parents, Joseph and Henrietta Browne. Joseph will be dearly missed.

A Remembrance will be held on Monday, June 3 at 5:30 p.m. at The Shoe Cellar, 245 Forest Avenue, Laguna Beach. 

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