New Laguna Beach Run Club hits the ground running


Runners from all over Orange County are lacing up their Hokas and headed to Laguna Beach to start their Sundays with a three-mile run along the coastline, followed by a dip at nearby Crescent Bay and coffee courtesy of Jebediah Coffee.

The Laguna Beach Run Club meets each Sunday at 9 a.m. at Catch Surf in north Laguna. Photo by Josh Bell

Founded by locals Tyler Willardson, Richard Zack and Ethan Staus, the Laguna Beach Run Club is a new meet-up group dedicated to promoting fitness, camaraderie and appreciation for Laguna’s coastal surroundings.

Since its inception, the club has seen a growing number of runners of all abilities take on the three-mile loop, which starts at Catch Surf, winds down toward Main Beach and then back to the surf shop.

“Whoever wants to get involved, it’s a win-win for everyone,” said Zack, who manages Catch Surf. “You can walk, run, cut the route short or make it longer if you wish. It’s all about getting out there and forming community.”

The Laguna Beach Run Club meets each Sunday at 9 a.m. at Catch Surf in north Laguna. Photo by Josh Bell

Staus, a local musician and KXFM radio host, said he’s always seeking out new community connections When Zack contacted him about his idea, he was excited to get involved.

“We’re fortunate that we have such a beautiful, scenic route around Heisler Park,” Staus said. “It’s a good excuse to be by the water and get up early on a Sunday and start your day fresh. You just gotta put one foot in front of the other.”

The Laguna Beach Run Club meets on Sundays at 9 a.m. at the Catch Surf parking lot in north Laguna. However, in the future, Zack hopes to add another meet-up option during the week for those who can’t make the weekend date.

Laguna Beach Run Club Co-founder Richard Zack. Photo by Josh Bell

“We know a lot of people go to church Sunday morning or have other obligations, so we’re going to add another day,” Zack said. “We were talking about a trail day Tuesday, or even track day and going to high school and doing a little bit of track running on it on one of those days.”

The Laguna Beach Run Club meets every Sunday at 9 a.m. at the Catch Surf parking lot in north Laguna. More information can be found on Instagram @lagunabeachrunclub.

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