Letter: Thank you, Ketta Brown


Regarding the proposed plan for affordable housing on the Neighborhood Church property I want to thank Ketta Brown for her column (Be careful what you wish for) urging us all consider that the plan has yet to be formally submitted and that the city is required to build 394 low and moderate-income living units within the next five years.

Other readers have contested that the proposal will go through the “normal” design review process, as she stated. Whether the review process will be “normal” or not I feel certain there will be discussions between neighbors and the church. Hopefully, both sides will be willing to listen to each other.

I agree with Brown that if a plan presented by NCC and Related California is not approved, the property may sit vacant, which would surely impact neighboring property values.

I, for one, am willing to wait and see a formal proposal for this project, which our community desperately needs. Instead of the immediate negative response to “height and mass” issues, let’s give NCC the benefit of the doubt. I think they sincerely want to do the right thing.

Donna Furey, Laguna Beach

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  1. This LTE is “In-Furey-A-Ting.”
    The GOAT, UCLA basketball coach John Wooden said it best: “Never mistake activity for achievement.”
    The spate of PR by the Congregation members themselves, coupled with LTEs and columns by locals (are they or are they not attendees?) are examples.
    A lot of counter-insurgency which encourages us to be “hopeful,” give the group the “benefit of the doubt.”
    These ancillary, augmenting supporters should ask themselves: Why has this project become a “Slowly Roller,” i.e., protracted regarding discrete data?
    Developers often slow-roll to take advantage of attrition….people are initially alarmed and anxious, but many drop out because they have jobs or family interests that take precedent.
    The long haul is tough for community watchdogs, declaring a “wait & see” attitude should be implemented and even embraced is then a ridiculous ask.
    We’re not children in a car on a road trip with the family: “Now Johnny/Janey, just be patient. Mommy will explain later, Daddy’s too busy driving.”
    As for me this is about my 100th Rodeo regarding questionable redevelopment of an existing site.
    Locals (especially those @ ground zero, within a 1/4 mile radius) have every right to be skeptical, cynical, knowing we have a pro-business, pro-development City Council.
    Some need to “wake up and smell the coffee,” and it’s not the “Reasonable Housing For Laguna” folks.
    I’m not a member of this newly emerging group, but I do see their anxiety and apprehension rightfully ramped up by the lack of forthright information.


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