Letter: Speedbumps needed on frontage road


I can almost relax and breathe a sigh of happiness because no one was killed or seriously injured walking on the frontage road in front of the Sawdust Festival. Every night, as traffic backs up at Canyon Acres, “clever” cheaters zip down this frontage road to get ahead of the line of cars, saving a few minutes and feeling that they somehow outsmarted the other drivers.

Unfortunately, these hyper fools zip along at 23-30 miles per hour, seemingly more concerned with cutting in line to see a few precious minutes than with killing or injuring a precious child or pedestrian. But I don’t blame these idiots; I blame the city. The city knows of this hazard and does nothing to abate it.

So, may I humbly suggest more speed bumps with a posted 5 mph sign? Make it harder for cheaters to cut down this frontage road. Increase the likelihood that compelled sanity will suddenly take over the minds of these unsafe drivers?

Ken Denton, Laguna Beach

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