Letter: Response to Ketta Brown’s guest opinion


Having read Ketta Brown’s guest opinion in the Laguna Beach Independent last week regarding the proposed low-income housing project at the Neighborhood Congregational Church, I would like to highlight a few points she made.

Ketta claims that this project will go through “the ‘normal’ design review process.” I believe this to be false. She forgot to acknowledge that this project is being pushed through under the guise of CA Senate Bill 4, which bypasses local control on design, density, height or other community guidelines on projects built on church property. It also accelerates approval timing.

When she cautions, “Be careful what you wish for,” remember that any developer not operating under the SB4 protection would have to go through the normal Laguna Beach Design Review process and follow all zoning guidelines.

All developers, including Related California, are in this to make money – and that’s fine. That’s why they are in business. But they should not do so at the expense of the surrounding neighborhoods.

I am not aware of anyone in the surrounding neighborhoods objecting to housing on this site. The issue is mass and scale; this project would include a parking level topped by three residential floors and 72 units in all, majority two or three bedroom. This equals 60 units per acre, a high density in any urban setting let alone the Laguna Village area. This is a massive structure towering over adjacent streets. Lot coverage of 84% over the 1.2 acre site with minimum 5-10 foot setbacks.

The pastor of the church has indicated that the church is unwilling to scale back this proposal to make it more neighborhood compatible.

When she claims that this “type of project may or may not impact future home values”, remember that the neighboring homeowners all struggled to save the down payment, make the monthly mortgage and live the Laguna Beach dream like others in this community. While I admire the volunteer efforts of the Housing and Human Services Committee, I hope that they will consider the impact of this project on other residents when they themselves may not be impacted by views gone, parking, traffic, congestion and noise.

There has been zero feedback from the proponents short of “full speed ahead” on the massive scale and accelerated timing of the project as proposed. Why can’t we work together as a community where we take on these housing issues in partnership with the neighborhoods to find win-win solutions? Is that too much to ask?

Richard Plavetich, Laguna Beach

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