Letter: New Options Needed for Village Entrance Public Art


letters to the editorThe Laguna Canyon Conservancy supports the concerns presented logically and succinctly by longtime Laguna Beach resident and landscape architect Bob Borthwick about the proposed pavilion (public art installation) for the new Village Entrance. In sum, he believes the proposal “is not a good fit for the location.” (Mr. Borthwick presented his letter to the Laguna Beach Arts Commission at their last meeting.)

As stewards of Laguna Canyon, our objections as a board have little to do with the artistic quality of the proposed art installation. However, we are concerned that given its relatively large size, scale and height, as well as its garish style, it would not enhance the natural beauty and rustic vibe of Laguna Canyon, and would denigrate the organic, understated and spacious feel of the newly completed Village Entrance.

We also agree with Mr. Borthwick in that such a large and showy structure would compete with the new, visually busy Festival of Arts façade on one side, and the historic Digester building on the other side. Given the visual intensity and existing volume of art concentrated in this end of Laguna Canyon, we support the objective of the new Village Entrance to create a “calm respite.”

The idea of using the significant funds for this proposed installation to instead restore and repurpose the Digester building as the entrance’s focal point, and construct future pavilion-like structures or gathering spots around this landmark, is more consistent with sound urban planning, sustainable design, responsible use of local funds and public enjoyment, all of which support the role of Laguna Canyon as the defining portal to our coastal city.

Lastly, the demolition of much of the newly-landscaped entrance, including a dozen trees, bike racks and benches, would be a needless waste of public resources.

Our city spent decades and millions of dollars to create the new Village Entrance in Laguna Canyon. It concerns us that we have only had the opportunity to offer public input in the last couple days—especially for a permanent feature in one of the most high-profile spaces in Laguna Canyon and our city.

We need to do better with this project and would encourage other options that would be a better fit for the canyon.

(The Laguna Canyon Conservancy (LCC) is a volunteer environmental group dedicated to save Laguna Canyon and preserve it as natural.)

Harry Huggins, Laguna Canyon Conservancy President

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