Letter: Laguna’s Intermediate Little League All-Stars 


Heartiest congratulations to Laguna’s Intermediate Little League All-Star squad. While your recent defeat means you won’t be playing in the World Series, you certainly have raised the bar for future ballplayers here in town.

For some of you, this might be the last time you put on a baseball uniform. For others, you may end up playing for Laguna Beach High School. Maybe, just maybe, one of you will play college ball. No matter how many more games you play, my hope is you will cherish this summer’s memories for a lifetime. I speak from experience, because I still remember many of my 1961 All-Star teammates, one of whom ended up scouting for the San Francisco Giants.

They don’t call baseball America’s national pastime for nothing. For everyone who ever has played the game, or for those who simply enjoy watching from the stands, you know baseball is part of our collective DNA. I realize your loss stings now, but consider this: You and your teammates will forever be part of Laguna’s Intermediate Little League DNA.

Thanks for this summer’s memories and good luck to all of you in the future.

Denny Freidenrich, Laguna Beach   

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