Letter: “Honest Abe” Spinning in his Grave


“Honest Abe” must be spinning in his grave. The Lincoln Club of Orange County describes itself on its website as “the largest conservative donor network in California. Yes, under Lincoln’s name, they are sending out a mailer claiming the Democrats proudly support Peter Blake. Their website boasts, “Our organization leveraged the most cutting edge and effective political communications and technology to defeat vulnerable first term California Democrat members of Congress.” Apparently lies and misrepresentation are what they have in mind as “cutting-edge and effective political communications.” 

I am a registered Republican. I hope other Republicans with a shred of honesty and integrity left will stand against the Big Lie as well as these little lies. 

Stan Frymann, Laguna Beach

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  1. I greatly appreciate Stan Frymann’s letter to the editor. The hypocrisy of the Lincoln Club of OC was over the top with their recent mailers to Laguna Beach residents.
    As a chartered club, The Laguna Beach Democratic Club issued a statement rejecting the inaccurate claim and reaffirming their support for Dem candidates Sue Kempf and Alex Rounaghi.

  2. Stan – doubtful you are truly a Republican when you are encouraging Republicans to vote a Democratic ticket this election, across the board. Who does that? RINOs do. You claim you are doing this because you are appalled about an alleged flier claiming that Democrats support Peter Blake for City Council. Guess what? Many Democrats do in fact support PB for City Council. That’s a true statement. He crosses party lines and that is how he got elected in the first place, on issues that appeal to Laguna residents, regardless of party affiliation. And what you see as alleged “misrepresentation” pales in comparison to the lies and blatantly false statements made by the Democratic fliers. For example, of a sudden all Democrats are claiming to be fully supportive of law enforcement, and fully funding the police, when just a short time ago all were supporting BLM and defending the police, zero bail, letting criminals out of jail, reducing sentences/early parole of violent recidivist criminals. But that didn’t poll well, so now they are claiming just the opposite for the SOLE purpose of getting elected. Don’t kid yourself about politics – you can buy your way on to ANY flier, just pay enough money. I received a flier saying Republicans and the Police support hard left Democrats for City Council and other county offices – what???! Your anger seems not only not genuine, but naive.

  3. You seem nice, Jen, but guess what, many Republicans support Sue, Alex, and Louis. That’s a true statement too. Because party affiliation has never meant anything in our town. But good job trying to politicize and shame a fellow party member because he doesn’t support abusive, cruel behavior. Blake claims to be an Independent, but I guess we all know he’s an IINO.

  4. I snorted my coffee out my nose when I read J. Zeiters “Many Democrats do in fact support Blake” Baaa, haaa, haaa!! Name a few!! You can’t! And justifying Blakes, Michael Ray’s and others lies and misrepresentations with – ‘But-what-abouts….CLASSIC! You forgot to include Hillary’s emails. I’ll add another Blake misrepresentation: His photo with both the Fire Chief and Police Chief – when the Laguna Beach Police Employees WON’T support Blake. They’ve watched his B.S. for too long. And lastly, as someone who professes to passionately love the constitution – How can you look away when Blake infringes on Citizens first amendment right of free speech. Another convenient ‘Well What about . .. ” ANYONE BUT BLAKE!

  5. Nice try Chris and Billy. Hope you didn’t make too big of a mess choking on your coffee Chris. I can name quite a few Dems voting for PB’s no-nonsense stance to homelessness and crime.

    BTW, the LB Police Employees UNION is not an endorsement any self-respecting person would want. Now the LB Police Association is a different story. One just wants more money and perks, the other has ethics and morals. Blake doesn’t infringe on people’s rights to free speech, he has to listen to their rants and most of the time their BS. But what he is not is a wallflower or spineless. No thanks, I’d rather have backbone, and spit back when spit on. That old “turn the other cheek” horse left the barn a long time ago.

    It will be quite the interesting election – people are all over the map. With that I agree. But I will call out a RINO when I see them. Kind of like Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney. No thanks.

  6. Hey Chris, you’d be surprised how many Democrats appreciate the job I do for our community. It just so happens that your dreaded Liberate Laguna founders, Michael Ray, Sam Goldstein, and Cindy Shopoff are liberal Democrats. They obviously support me. That’s three. I’ll fill you in with many more after I win on the 8th.

    The Police Union didnt support me because I wasn’t willing to tow their line and pander to their false narratives about lack of morality within the Police Department. Our officers are happy and they have the full support of the Council and the public. I’m not swayed by the union’s leader, Brian Griep and his lies. Maybe you are?

    And yes, I do love the constitution and it gives me the right to defend myself against political activists who choose to disrespect me or the city staff when testifying. You’re still mad at me for standing up to you during the flag on the police cars issue that bent your leftist sensibilities. Right? You thought you could come up and make disparaging comments towards me and I defended myself. Sorry if that hurt your feelings.

    Try drinking your coffee instead of snorting bit. It might help you wake up (or should I say woke up)


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