Letter: Do it for the kids


“We don’t do enough for the kids.” Those were the words of Mayor Sue Kempf at the Aug. 13 city council meeting where the topic was Riddle Field. The Mayor’s comments followed Mayor Pro Tem Alex Rounaghi, who said: “I think that as leaders of a city, our first obligation is to the children.”

Yet, the city has not made a serious effort to acquire a property in South Laguna for a children’s park despite months of effort by young families, grandmas and dog owners who have been requesting that the city acquire two undeveloped lots directly across from the Village Green Park in South Laguna.

Village Green Park is only one-half acre compared to other city parks like 8-acre Moulton Meadows or 7-acre Alta Laguna Park. Yet, its use has intensified over the years as South Laguna has grown in popularity as a destination for growing families, with the rise in dog ownership and the high interest in South Laguna’s beaches.

Walking the streets, it looks like South Laguna is experiencing a baby boom. Many South Laguna families live in small houses on small lots, and these growing kids will need safe places to play. But, the only public park for the thousands of Laguna Beach residents living south of Aliso Creek is the small Village Green, where moms, kids and dogs mix and mingle.

Moms with small children share the park with dog owners exercising their friendly but sometimes rambunctious canines. With the purchase of these two undeveloped lots, the uses could be separated so that one park could allow dogs while the second park could prohibit them.

Neighbors have tried to move this forward. They have gathered signatures, submitted petitions, spoken at city council meetings, sent emails, and talked face-to-face with council members. Before the last election, candidates at the last forum said they would support the acquisition of the lots. We thought we were getting close when, at last year’s budget hearing, all five council members supported the idea of negotiating a lease for the site. But the city manager’s effort to do so was not successful.

But now, when the vacant lots are about to come on the market, there is still no action by the city. This is a generational opportunity. There is very little undeveloped property in Laguna that could be turned into well-located park space. Once this is gone, it’s gone.

So, if the city council really means that “our first obligation is to the children” and that “We don’t do enough for the kids” – if they really mean that, here is an opportunity to do something for the kids.

John Thomas, Laguna Beach

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  1. Great letter, John. I feel the same way about a skateboard park for an Olympic sport with origins right here in our town. I plan to talk about that in my School Board campaign.

  2. “We don’t do enough for the kids” goes the sentiment, but this same Subcommittee comes plans to locate 9 parking structures for Laguna’s motorist throughout Laguna Beach including Lang Park, the Lawn Bowling green, and the Farmers Market. Maybe parking structures are a two-fer strategy skaters will find after-hours? https://lagunastreets.blogspot.com/2023/07/parking-structures-projects-g-q-total.html

    In 2011 skaters were banned from Laguna’s asphalt downhills. In 1975 the Honda Hills at Alta Park were closed to all motorized vehicles, by 2022 all eBike riders were also barred entry, young riders now develop rider skills at PCH and Broadway. Wait till young eBike riders discover those wheelie ramps and staircases in Laguna’s three-story parking structures.

  3. The City Council majority does a lot of talking but very little action on many things. This is just one. South Laguna residents have been saying for years that we are the poor step children with few city services, please help us. There has been some improvement but for the most part we are still ignored. This would be so so wonderful for everyone – kids, dogs, parents and seniors to come and enjoy. Let’s dump the Ti Amo property that was a mistake from the get go that the City Council majority championed (George Weiss voted against the purchase). Bob Whalen thought it was a great idea and the fact that there was no appraisal on the property didn’t bother him one bit. Let’s vote in councilmembers who will listen to residents and advance resident serving facilities, not parking structures.

  4. Yes, do it for the kids!! I walk by the Village Green almost every day. Often, I see both young mothers with their children and dog owners with their pooches driving to the park The preceding suggests that the Village Green is used by many, not just those living adjacent to it. I have also observed a vertical stratification when both youngsters and dogs are present. Youngsters at the grassless east end and dog owners congregating on the grass at the west end. When dogs are not present, I see children rolling down the grass where their mothers are relaxing on towels. If we had a place in South Laguna other than the Village Green for dogs to run free (think Moulton Meadows and Laguna Canyon), the stratification would likely cease and the VG might even attract more children.

    I second John Thomas’ point of view! The city of Laguna Beach should purchase the two lots.


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