Letter: Council had other options


Councilmember Bob Whelan made some revealing comments regarding the change in auditors at the Aug. 13 council meeting when he said the CFO should not have terminated a council-approved contract unilaterally. That shouldn’t happen, he said. So far, so good.

But then he said; “this process was unrolled and came back to the council for the first time tonight.” That is a bit disingenuous. Residents began hearing rumblings about the auditor change in late June. Councilmembers must have been aware of the rumors also. But council made no statement and took no action.

The proposed change was formally announced at a meeting of the audit committee on July 2. At that meeting most of the committee members said they were hearing about it for the first time.  A few had been advised maybe a week or two earlier. At the request of staff, the committee set up a subcommittee to select a new firm from a slate of finalists submitted by staff.  But the committee did not question the process that had transpired so far.

At a July 9 council meeting, residents brought up the subject in an attempt to obtain clarification. They wanted to know who approved the process and whether the failure of the city to produce timely auditable statements was considered. Councilmember George Weiss commented that the CFO made the decision unilaterally, but no one else on council made any comments.

Nothing more happened until a month later at an Aug. 7 meeting of the audit committee, where the subcommittee reported it had narrowed the list of finalists to two and those two would be interviewed by the entire committee. Again, no discussion of the appropriateness of the approval decision or of how the process was conducted.

Six days later, again with no intervening council or committee comment or action, on Aug. 13 council selected a new audit firm. Does that sound like a process that came back to the council for the first time on Aug. 13? Councilmembers knew, or should have known, at least six weeks earlier and possibly longer, but chose to do nothing. Instead, on Aug. 13, they wrung their hands and all except Councilmember Weiss put their stamp of approval on the unilateral decision of a staff member to terminate a contract with no approvals or oversight.

It didn’t have to be that way. There were other options.

Mike Marriner Sr., Laguna Beach

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  1. I have tremendous hope in our new City Manager, Dave Kiff, and in the council members who helped bring him to Laguna Beach. His commitment to addressing the weaknesses in our city’s governance and improving the effectiveness of our staff is exactly what we need at this critical time. Dave has already shown that he’s willing to tackle the tough issues head-on, and I believe he can help steer our city in the right direction.

    As we approach the upcoming election, I encourage everyone to vote for candidates who align with our City Manager’s vision for improving governance culture. We need leaders who will support his efforts to enhance transparency, accountability, and the overall effectiveness of our city’s operations. Let’s work together to ensure that Laguna Beach is managed with the integrity and dedication it deserves.

  2. Fellow Laguna Beach Residents, as We get ever closer to the upcoming election for our City Council representatives many Residents have totally lost faith in Our current City Council.

    There has been one “ardent bright spot” on the Council in the person of George Weiss.

    If not for George Weiss and Us the concerned Residents of Laguna Beach our current City Council “Majority” would have, and will continue to aggressively lead Laguna down a course of unwanted development. From un-needed/unwanted Parking Structures to unwarranted cost outlays and purchases. This charted course is has and will cost Us the Residents untold millions of dollars. All You have to do is look at what is planned or being planned for our town. What will it cost Us the Residents to bear the expense of maintaining Laguna Canyon Road? What about the cost to Us the residents when We are asked to shoulder for the sustentation of Pacific Coast Highway?

    As We recount the performance, effectiveness and service to Us the Residents of Laguna Beach it is time We took stock of the current City Council “Majority” and make our voices clearly heard in the upcoming election.

    Let’s take a moment and review where We are and how We got here. Bob Whalen, Sue Kempf, ALex Rounaghi, and it appears now, Mark Orgill have ceased to represent Us the residents of Laguna Beach. Whether it be embracing and advocating for the building of multiple “Parking Structures” that residents clearly do not want, (Case in point… the 3RD Street Parking Structure/boondoggle) Now it appears that Whalen and Kempf are advocating for a multi million dollar Parking Structure at the Village entrance. Mayor Kempf recently voiced her re-advocacy for a 52 stall Public Parking Lot just 35 feet from residents at Laguna Terrace. This plan was killed two years ago by residents opposition. Mayor Kempf clearly has not and has no intention of listening to Us the residents once again, or for that matter ever.

    The City Council “Majorite’s” current endeavor as stated by Mike Marriner above to, “put their stamp of approval on the unilateral decision of a staff member with no approvals or oversight”. This style of sleight of hand governance is the rule and not the exception with this council.

    This City Council Majority has ignored, abandoned, cast-off and neglected Us the Residents for years. Now is the opportunity that We the Residents have to jettison them in the next election cycle and the election after that. If We do not do this We have no one to blame but ourselves.

  3. Thank you Mike M. for addressing the “who knew what and when” Council member issue. As we have come to understand, just because a Council Member says something doesn’t make it so.

    Yes, the rumblings have been going on for months as acutely aware and informed finance expert residents exposed yet crickets from the Council including the Mayor and MPT who are Audit Committee liaisons.

    Claude M. – AMEN. If residents continue to allow Council members Whalen, Kempf, Rounaghi and Orgill to use our government system to control, manipulate, ignore and blindside residents we have no one to blame but ourselves. Enough is enough! Time to move on from a 12 year controlling official and not repeat getting stuck with another new on the scene candidate who hasn’t attended a council meeting during a decade of the highest city/community concerning and controversial issues we have ever faced. We simply can’t afford falling for self performance-evaluations and promises and rainbows and using more bad judgment in voting individuals into the most powerful positions in our City.

    Vote in 2024 and 2026 to save our City and return it to residents funding this out-of-control government machine. 2024 Candidates Mancuso and Weiss can and will do the job through honesty and transparency and will continue to work to protect our City natural environments, neighborhoods, money and our quality of life.


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