Laguna Generosity Rules!



Thank you Laguna Beach for once again rising to the occasion. We witnessed first hand the generous spirit of our town on Sunday, Sept. 12, as we hosted a benefit concert and silent auction at our home to raise funds for Materials Management Relief Corps (MMRC).

Our daughter Erika spent three months as a nurse volunteer in Haiti this spring, and her recognition of the continued need for funds for MMRC was the driving force behind our efforts. Materials Management Relief Corps, a small non-profit currently based in Port-au-Prince, has been working since the devastating earthquake earlier this year to transport patients and to deliver food and medical supplies to clinics and orphanages. Their EMS program has been filling a void in the crumbled Haitian infrastructure.

They were in danger of being unable to offer their services at least through the end of the critical hurricane season. Local artists, merchants, musicians, restaurants and the community at large rallied to make the benefit a huge success. We are deeply appreciative of the outpouring of support shown from the Laguna Beach community.

Marcy and Michael Tillman,

Laguna Beach

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