Civil War Stories from Battlefield to Homefront


Is reading a book something that has ever swept you away to a different world? That is precisely what you get with Moonlight Lonesome by Sharon Louise Perry; it takes you to the Civil War battlefields in a vivid manner. The historical fiction brings the era to life with every page by engaging you in the rich, realistic details of its location and telling an engaging story.

Put yourself in the shoes of a soldier standing on a huge, smoke-filled battlefield where the sounds of cannon fire and screams vibrate in the air. The author has done an excellent job of describing this event in her book. If you read a scene painted by Perry, you might nearly smell the gunpowder and feel the earth shift. To be more specific, the depiction of the Battle of Gettysburg is so realistic that the sound of cannon fire and steel on steel is practically audible. The locations described in this book play an essential role in telling the story. On the battlefield, heroes like Daniel Chesterton face terrible threats and change for the worse. If you want to feel like you’re a part of the soldiers, feeling the destruction and solidarity of battle, then you have to read this book. The author pays close attention to historical detail, so the situations seem more realistic.

Perry doesn’t just talk about the places the story takes place; she also includes historical details that shape the story. From broad strategies to the everyday experiences of soldiers, the book covers everything in great detail during the Civil War. The story is more realistic and educational because of the extensive study that went into it. The characters’ internal conflicts are better understood in light of the historical background. One way to put yourself in Daniel and his companions’ shoes is to learn about the enormity of the stakes and the impact of the Battle of Gettysburg. A whole picture of a Civil War soldier’s life is painted through the depiction of camp life, lengthy marches, and times of solitude in between fights. Slavery, the political atmosphere, and the competing ideologies that stimulated the war are some of the issues covered in this book, which also explores the wider social effects of the war. Because of this, the story becomes more complete and gives you a better picture of the time.

This book is an absolute must-read for history fans and story lovers. Perry’s skill in combining an engaging storyline with a realistic historical background makes for a delightful read. Not only will you have a good time, but you’ll also gain a better understanding of the times surrounding the Civil War. With Sharon Louise Perry at the helm of things, go into Moonlight Lonesome and explore historical battlegrounds. Experience the highs and lows of this historic period in American history. You may buy this book on Amazon or the official website, but it’s more than that. Reading it is like taking a trip through time, experiencing a historical era as noticed by the people who were there.
Since her birth in La Mesa, San Diego County, Perry has lived in both Lakeside and Norco, California. Her passion for horses and westerns, together with her Navy heritage, shaped her career as a geriatric and cancer nurse. She went on to write about love, war, and fighting challenges, despite suffering from a neck injury and below the knee amputation.



Members of the Laguna Beach Independent Newspaper (the Indy) were not involved in the creation of this content.


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