

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

letters to the editor

Letter: When it comes to money, always check credentials

David Robert McDonnell, a local Laguna Beach businessman, recently pleaded guilty to wire fraud and nearly $6 million embezzlement from his elder clients over several years. This...

Historic Home Threatened by Development

Editor, Arno Hano's recent letter opining that Mission Hospital may be "land rapists" is a bit over the top. However, alert residents of Laguna Beach...
letters to the editor

Letter: Littering citation difficult to enforce

The firestorm about the perceived overuse and littering of Laguna's beaches this summer got me thinking about the viability of the littering citation. After...

Voting for View Protection

Editor, I strongly recommend that each and everyone of us take advantage of all public meetings and ask the candidates point blank what they are going to do...
letters to the editor

Letter: What’s more important?

Congratulations to the LBUSD superintendent and his rubber-stamping school board members on moving forward with your “pool and classroom” improvements. Nothing is more important...
letters to the editor

Letter: Too Many Cars

I’m terrified our city hall wants to invite more cars to drive to and or through our town by way of building numerous multi-story...


An article about a grand jury report in the June 24 edition (“Top-Paying Jobs Under Scrutiny” incorrectly identified the location where the city manager’s...
letters to the editor

Letter: What am I missing?

Can someone please explain? The outside auditors give the city's former director of finance a failing grade for financial reporting, ostensibly a core responsibility of...
letters to the editor

Letter: Who’s protecting the coastal zone?

The California Coastal Commission has been much discussed recently. Its mission is to guarantee access for all and regulate the use and development of...

The Unexpected Good Samaritan

Editor, At the Resource Center's Food Pantry this morning, a homeless man came in with a wallet he'd found on Laguna Canyon Road.  It had...

Be Proud of Our Downhill Skateboarders

Editor, I hope my fellow Lagunans share my pride in our local downhill skateboarders’ achievements at the recent IGSA National Championship held in San Dimas...

Plenty of Christian Hypocrisy to Skewer

Editor,   Hey! Ben Earl, thanks for sharing (“Koran’s Exempt from Desecration?” Letters, Oct. 15).  Contrary to the last sentence of your emotional tirade, “Oh well,...

Homework on Skateboard and Complete Streets

Editor,   Please google and read The Complete Streets Act for California and see how skateboarding may or may not be included as a part of...

Calling View Preservation Advocates

Editor, My wife and I have lived in Laguna Beach for over 50 years and hope to live here longer. One of the advantages of...

Gratitude for Perfect Placement

Editor, Thank you so much for publishing Susan Velasquez’s column “Opportunity Knocks” on the School’s page of the LB Independent, Nov. 16. It was the perfect...