

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

letters to the editor

Letter: Measure Q Offers Peace of Mind

As a former resident of Laguna Beach, I have a selfish motive for hoping the voters pass Measure Q. I want the peace of...
letters to the editor

Letter: It’s Not About Development, It’s About Re-Development

Be careful what you wish for when it comes to the "D" word and Measure Q… I know we are not supposed to use the...
letters to the editor

Letter: NO on Q Lit has Developer Connection

To those who are still wondering how to vote on Q, I would ask you to notice who has what to gain. It doesn't...
letters to the editor

Letter: School board meeting fiasco  

At last week’s school board meeting, another local family and spillover crowd came to demand the reversal of the controversial termination of special education...
letters to the editor

Letter: Setting the record straight

Let’s correct some errors in Eric Zuziak’s letter last week regarding the Neighborhood Congregational Church (NCC) affordable housing proposal. He mistakenly credits a petition circulated...
letters to the editor

Letter: Who’s looking out for us?

At the July 2 Audit Committee meeting, we learned that the city had decided to change auditors, had solicited potential new firms and had...
letters to the editor

Letter: Let Laguna Beach voters decide

The City Council will have to decide on Tuesday night whether it trusts Laguna's citizens on an important but somewhat complicated issue.  Only a...
letters to the editor

Letter: Speedbumps needed on frontage road

I can almost relax and breathe a sigh of happiness because no one was killed or seriously injured walking on the frontage road in...
letters to the editor

Letter: In support of NCC’s affordable housing project 

I cannot support the Village Laguna petition against the Neighborhood Congregational Church affordable housing project. And here is why. No affordable housing has been approved...
letters to the editor

Letter: Let’s not lose focus on City Treasurer’s importance

I have reviewed Treasury functions as an external and internal auditor, and as an internal controls consultant. I also had a Treasury function report...
letters to the editor

Letter: Do it for the kids

“We don’t do enough for the kids.” Those were the words of Mayor Sue Kempf at the Aug. 13 city council meeting where the...
letters to the editor

Letter: Council had other options

Councilmember Bob Whelan made some revealing comments regarding the change in auditors at the Aug. 13 council meeting when he said the CFO should...
letters to the editor

Letter: Time for a change

I agree with John Thomasʻs astute analysis and recommendations in the Indy back on Aug. 9, but I don’t think he addressed municipal waste and...
letters to the editor

Letter: Parking enforcement needs to improve

I have been reading about how concerned Laguna Beach City Council is about increasing revenue to cover costs, and yet parking enforcement only seems...

A Prescient Theme

Editor,   It is interesting that the Laguna Beach Patriots Day Parade Association has taken note that many of our troops are beginning to return from...