

Laguna Beach Independent Letters Section

letters to the editor

Letter: Sharing Sidewalks with Youth on Motorized Bikes

When I was eleven, I always wanted to ride my Honda Z50 down to the local 7-Eleven for a Mellow Yellow and some Sweet...

Sierra Club’s Take on Nuclear Waste Removal at San Onofre

Editor, Confusion remains about Edison’s plans for managing spent fuel at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. We have every reason to be vigilant in...
letters to the editor

Letter: Re: There’s Trouble In Them There Hills

On May 22, Tex Haines criticized the ongoing modifications by mountain bikers to local wilderness trails, particularly the steep Telonics trail from Top of...
letters to the editor

Letter: Regarding Merrill Anderson’s “Development Done Right”

I'd like to make two corrections to Merrill Anderson's letter to last week's Indy titled “Development Done Right”. The architect who designed the project,...
letters to the editor

Letter: On Black Lives Matter

I read with horror the opinion piece you featured by Ms. Welsh Zeiter in Friday’s edition on Black Lives Matter . It gives new...

Letter: Lessons learned from Singapore’s rush to develop

About thirty years ago, our company was asked to produce an IMAX historical film by the Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew, to...


letters to the editor

Letter: Seeking Blake’s Medical Expertise

I heard Councilman Peter Blake's diagnosis at a recent City Council meeting of Councilwoman Toni Iseman's mental incapacity. Peter must be a miracle doctor...
letters to the editor

Letter: Is the Village Dead?

Hypoxia via exsanguination means bleeding out without being aware or able to avoid it. Out of time, the system shuts down due to lack...
letters to the editor

Letter: Proposition 13 Changes

Letter writer Clay Nolde, in commenting on a recent Gasparotti opinion piece mentions that Proposition 13 has cost California schools and municipalities “billions of...

Remembering a Legacy of Gay Bars

Editor, For decades, Laguna Beach had a large gay bar on Main Beach and later the Boom Boom Room at the Coast Inn. Luckily a gay...
letters to the editor

Letter: Fried Should Reconsider Stance on City Manager

Has Billy Fried become Michael Ray’s Mini-Me? Just when we thought we were rid of Ray, Fried does a tag team display of ad hominem nonsense...
letters to the editor

Letter: Two Sides of the Same Coin

I’ve often wondered what this saying actually means. I hate to admit that I never took the time to look it up and that...
letters to the editor

Letter: Why Are City Employees Leaving Laguna Beach?

I want to thank City Council for listening to residents and doing a nation-wide search for City Manager. We are a wonderful city for...
letters to the editor

Letter(s): On Defending the Soul of America

Jennifer Welsh-Zeiter. Real Estate Attorney. Well written ma’am! But can we count Tucker Carlson's Fox News talking points as fact? In your piece, “Defending...