

Laguna Beach Independent Columns Section

Opinion: Concerning City Council

By Michele Monda Just how bad does it have to get before our city council wakes up and smells the burnt coffee? Even the unauthorized firing...

Opinion: Details Matter

By Steve McIntosh Just when you didn’t think the Laguna Beach School District and board could sink any lower, the last school board meeting on...

Opinion: Green Light

Laguna’s Green Legacy and Its Path Forward Last week’s Indy ran a poignant memorial honoring a true environmental hero, Dr. Elizabeth Brown, whose name is...

The Slant: Visiting Hell’s Backyard

Being a parent is one of life great rewards. I am reminded as my boys are getting older of the all great snapshots in...

The Plant Man

Defined by Its Trees  “I’m back in the saddle again” –Gene Autry   I believe it was the scent of the Eucalyptus that imprinted one of my earliest...

Get Out of the House

Summer Pageantry I’ll admit it here. I’m a pageant mom. Not the “Toddlers and Tiaras” kind, thankfully, but a Pageant of the Masters pageant mom. ...

Opinion: Good Friends Despite Political Differences

By Denny Freidenrich My friend Cary and I first met 20 years ago. He was a Laguna Little League coach, and I was a parent...

Opinion: Beyond First Impressions

By Russ Gerber Musician Carlos Santana was interviewed on National Public Radio by Michel Martin, who asked about his background, upbringing, and life today. He...

Opinion: Haiku Corner

By Cheryl Procaccini roar of crashing waves scattered mounds of brown seaweed decorate the shore   moon whispers: no need for words today. let’s just dance in each other’s light   quail hen...

Pet Peeves: Working Holiday

Laguna Beach is a great place to vacation. Three to 4 million visitors come annually to get a reprieve from their every day lives...

Guest Opinion: Wisdom Workout

The quest for status and accomplishment is a driving force in many lives. Competition and striving to get ahead in a chosen profession can...

Opinion: Great Expectations

By Russ Gerber A teacher friend of mine told the true story of a fellow teacher, new to the school, who was recognized by her...

Opinion: Pet Peeves

Accounting 101 By Mark D. Crantz Much has been written about Laguna Beach's audit report. Like, where is it? For six years, the report has been...

Opinion: Pet Peeves

In Sync By Mark D. Crantz “Crantz, you lead such an exciting life,” wrote a recent reader. “What are you doing this week? I want to...

Opinion: Why not ticket distracted jaywalkers?

By Roger Butow AB 2147, passed in 2022, is the so-called "Freedom to Walk Act." It was built on AB 1238, passed in 2021, which...