

Laguna Beach Independent Columns Section

Opinion: Restore our town’s fire truck, future generations will thank us 

By Howard Hills When I saw our 1931 LBFD Seagrave classic at the Fourth of July celebration on Brooks Street, a mid-1950s memory came back,...

Opinion: Pet Peeves

Charm Challenge By Mark D. Crantz The City is instituting a new program dubbed “Charm Challenge.” The objective is to incentivize retail property owners to spruce...

Culture Karma

Mother Knows Best By Randy Kraft   I grew up in New York and spent most of my Saturday afternoons at the Metropolitan Museum or at elegant...

Opinion: Wisdom Workout

New Personal Discoveries  Some time ago, I discovered a book titled “The Power Behind Your Eyes” by Dr. Robert-Michael Kaplan. He talks of the need...

Opinion: Random Guy Noticing Stuff

Earth Day: Global and Local By Gary Stewart In 5,000 years of civilization, it has only been in the last century that scientists have come to...

Opinion: Village Matters

Make Laguna Shine Last week, the City Council considered whether voters would be interested in increasing taxes in an attempt to extract more income from...

Opinion: Green Light

Answering the Call of the Pacific By Tom Osborne Jet-lagged and besotted by the enchantments of distant Pacific isles, I just returned from two weeks of...

Opinion: Pet Peeves

Resilience By Mark D. Crantz Laguna Art Museum opened a new exhibit called ‘Reflections of Resilience.’ I’m running low on resilience and didn’t think I had...

Opinion: Controversy Regarding Housing and Development Impacts—Variation on a Theme

By Ann Caenn For over 50 years, Village Laguna has been guiding efforts that foster community living, a picturesque and quaint town with parks, open...

Opinion: Village Matters

Cleaning up? By Ann Christoph What does it mean to “clean up?” South Lagunans are wondering right now about the Postal Service misunderstanding of requests to...

Laguna Observed

Surrounding The Art I'm a lucky woman.  I have artists in my life who are also my friends. The kind of friends to whom I...

Opinion: New Marine Safety Chief at the helm 

By Roger Bütow “Much mahalos” to retiring Marine Safety Chief Kevin Snow, who answered the call of duty for 44 years, basically his entire working...

Opinion: Pet Peeves

Leave It to Beaver 3, A Trilogy By Mark D. Crantz Recap? No, skip the recap. Readers are advised to go to the online Indy and...

Opinion: If you don’t get finances right, nothing else matters

By Mary Locatelli While Laguna Beach City Council faces many important and competing issues, none are more important than the health of the city’s finances. As...

Opinion: Green Light

Going Away and Coming Home For nearly three weeks this August my wife and I were away, far away, from Laguna Beach. First, we flew...