

Laguna Beach Independent Columns Section

Wisdom Workout

Funeral Divas Just Want To Have Fun By Susan McNeal Velasquez On March 27, my Aunt Marie died at age 89. She lived in New York...

Taking Stock

The Nature Of Markets Earnings reports are supporting further stock market gains. The market flinched for a day on a headline that Standard & Poor’s...

Green Light

Kelpfesting, Then and Now Thirteen thousand years ago our Laguna Beach ancestors likely celebrated the life-giving bounties of kelp.  These ancient Californians or their forebears,...

Get Out of the House

Family Movie Night (or Afternoon) My dad is old school in a big way. He goes to bed by 9 p.m. and wakes...

Wisdom Workout

Funeral Divas Just Want To Have Fun On March 27, my Aunt Marie died at age 89. She lived in New York City and had...

Hot Dish

Surf & Sand’s Splashes   A Laguna Beach landmark for 60 years, the Surf and Sand Resort continues to remain a desired destination for Lagunans and...

Taking Stock

Art and Diamonds Stocks continue to churn about, building what appears to me to be a base for another substantial advance. Investors are still learning...

Taking Stock

Worse Than a Crime The stock market continues to make steady progress. Investing in stocks resembles flying airplanes; things usually work out well although one...

Village Matters

Design Review Heroes   Do you remember the “white house” controversy? The city debate on off-white vs. white paint for a design-reviewed house became fodder for...

Laguna Observed

Lessons in Paying Attention Okay, I learned something new last Sunday. I learned the difference between chamber music and baroque. You probably already know. Well,...

Get Out of the House

An Easy Night Out March is my new favorite month and it has nothing to do with the weather. Turns out that the first...

Taking Stock

Winter Of Discontent; Spring Of Promise Stocks managed a nice 5% gain in the first quarter of 2010. This was a particularly commendable showing in...

Wisdom Workout

Sensory Overload As a result of my work as a consultant, each week I get a sampling of the challenges others are facing here in...

Taking Stock

No News May be Good News Recent news events in Japan, the Middle East and Portugal pounded the stock market, yet the overall dip was...

Musings on the Coast

It Can’t Happen Here By Michael Ray We do not think it can happen here. I live above Diver’s Cove in a house...