

Laguna Beach Independent Columns Section

Taking Stock

Buy The Dips, Sell The Bounces After what seemed like six months but was really six weeks, the stock market attempted to break its slide....

Taking Stock

The Worriers Are Wrong: Stocks Are A Buy The stock market endured what seems like a Biblical forty days of rain, depressing investor spirits. These dipped...

Green Light

Where Common Good Reigns Sign a petition for the Open Space Initiative; do it for the common good.  Let me explain. Mother Nature has given bounteously...

Wisdom Workout

 The Power of Imagination Susan McNeal Velasquez     The theme of the Pageant of the Masters 2011, “Only Make-Believe,” is a tribute to artistic imagination unleashed....


Recovery I’m glad to see you up, I heard you were sick.   No, Grampa, I was very sick.   Oh, I thought you had the flu.   No. I had influenza, And...

Musings on the Coast

My Son the Football Player My son Harrison is a football player and I have failed.  He is only 16 and I never meant...

Taking Stock

House Prices Down, Stock Dividends Up Stocks ended May on an upbeat, then sold off the first chance they got in June. These Midsummer Eve...


Memorial Day Grampa will we go to the cemetery this year? Only if you want to. You’re too old to drag anyplace. It would be better to...

Double Digit Returns From Blue Chip Stocks

The stock market hit some slick spots, skidded but remained on the road. From now to the fall is a traditionally less dynamic period...

Guest column

Why I’m Supporting the Open Space Initiative Is it consistent for a fiscal conservative to support raising taxes in order to purchase open space? On...

Get Out of the House

Do, Don’t Pretend  About a year ago I discovered a guilty pleasure – the supermarket Fresh and Easy. The closest F & E is in...

Laguna Observed

 Reclaiming a Pageant Ritual  Every year I'm taken by surprise that it's that time of year again. This refers to any time of year commonly...

Hot Dish

French 75 The rumor-mill hummed with news that an “out-of-town chef” was teaming up with a long standing Laguna Beach restaurant to re-vamp and freshen...

Musings on the Coast

The Return Of The Dolphins I live in north Laguna and have kayaked from there for some 20 years.  I cast off...

Village Matters

Cuervo Trusting, a crow perched on our patio steps.  Just standing there, looking up. He’d spread his too-short wings and jump-fly from one step to...