

Laguna Beach Independent Columns Section

Wisdom Workout

A Window into Limbo Land                 Death was not to be a leap: it was to be a long descent under thickening shadows.                                                                             George...

Taking Stock

Deficit? What Deficit? During my years in the Navy, I used several foreign language pocket phrase books provided by the Defense Department. Originally produced by...

Guest column

Solving a Fiscal Crisis By Alan N. Boinus, Special to the Independent   In an effort to balance the budget and bring fiscal stability to California, Gov....


Take the Bait Will we go to the lake this year? I imagine. Will you take us fishing? Fishing! You hate fishing.   Too many bugs. Too hot. The juice isn’t cold. Salmon...

Taking Stock

Summer Stock Fireworks Stocks greeted July with fireworks that burst through a fog of negativity. Their five percent gain was their best week in two...

Green Light

Putting in a Plug for Laguna Beach By Tom Osborne I attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the completion of our city’s first two electric car plug-in...

Get Out of the House

Sum, sum, summertime!It seems that Mother Nature is going to allow Laguna to have a summer this year.  After last year’s disappointingly gloomy non-summer,...

Hot Dish

Alessa in Laguna Beach By Patty Pinto My motis operandi requires dining at a restaurant on several occasions before critiquing. I broke my own rule regarding...

Village Matters

Cottage Sequel  It just happened that the beginning of my planned trip to Italy with my nieces coincided with the council’s decision on the “final...


From the Stretch I’m going to start on Thursday, Do you want to come to the game?   I’d better not; I might get too excited, And have a...

Guest column

 It Takes a Community to Preserve Open Space Laguna’s several hundred acres of remaining open land graces the entire town with marvelous views, wildlife habitat,...

Get Out of the House

Summer of Change  We have recently learned that Maggie’s four closest friends will be moving away from Laguna sometime this summer. Three are moving to...

Wisdom Workout

A Sense of Balance Summer officially arrived this week and our festival openings are upon us. As the season shifts, let’s see if we...

Musings on the Coast

Just Do It We each measure our own aging in various fashions, mostly by ascertaining what we no longer can do. For me, it is body-boarding,...

Laguna Observed

It's Been Swell Five years ago Andrea Adelson, the Indy's wonderful editor, said yes to an idea I had for a column about Laguna...