

Shanti Entertains at Wreath Auction


The wreath auction features Michele Taylor’s dragonfly, wreathed in green glass.

Shanti Orange County hosts its annual wreath auction on Monday, Dec. 5, from 6-9 p.m. at Mozambique Restaurant, 1740. S Coast Highway.


The free event features opportunity drawings, a no-host bar, hors d’ouvres, zany drag queen personalities, fitness models and more than 25 artist-made wreaths that will be auctioned live, along with ornaments and valuable prizes.


The fundraiser to support Shanti and its HIV and AIDS service began 14 years ago at the defunct Little Shrimp restaurant, but has grown and outlasted its launch pad. Local artists and businesses donate the handcrafted wreaths. “We are truly grateful to our donors for their incredible generosity,” said Shanti’s executive director Sarah Kasman. “This year’s wreaths are really awesome and full of surprises!”

One entry, by artist Michele Taylor, features a hand sculpted glass dragonfly on a glass medallion. Another, by Doug Stotts, features an oil painting that can be removed and displayed year-round. Wearable items include a wreath pin in sterling silver, by jeweler Karin Worden.

Business donors include Laguna Drug, Bushards Pharmacy, and the Tides Inn, whose entry includes gift certificates for a one-night stay.

Info? Visit or call (949) 452-0888.


Donations Wanted for Gift Party

No Square Theater serves as sponsor of this year’s holiday party Sunday, Dec. 11, for low-income families who live and work in Laguna Beach.

 For the last 18 years, the community has contributed clean used clothing, household goods, linens and used toys for the party, where Santa Claus visits with the children while their parents “shop” for needed items.

Donations may be dropped at Legion Hall, 384 Legion St., no sooner than Saturday, Dec. 10, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Sunday, Dec. 11, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please do not leave things earlier; there is no room for storage.

Questions? Call Marsha Bode at 949 244-2010 or Sande St. John at 949 633-9429.

Light a Light of Love Celebration

Rejoice at the sight of snowflakes on the Huntington Beach Pier on Sunday, Dec. 4, while supporting Laguna Beach’s CSP Youth Shelter’s fundraiser, Soup for Youth.

Activities include tastings from local restaurants on Main Street, (2-5 p.m.) a children’s holiday parade (4:30 p.m.), a visit with Surf City Santa and the snowflake lighting ceremony (6 p.m.).

Wheels4Life Rolls into Action

The Wheels 4 Life Christmas party at 310 Broadway St. on Thursday, Dec. 15, from 5 to 8 p.m., will include food and drink, a raffle, an auction and a showing of “Wheels 4 Life.”

The film directed by Carmen and Hans Rey received recognition by the 2011 My Hero Project.

The auction for an Ibis Dream Bike will begin during happy hour.


MOPS Supports Christmas Child

Laguna Beach MOPS, from left: Stephanie Byerly, Lisa Piana, Rachel Deol, Julia Becker and Parmis Shirk. Photo by Deborah Sekerka.

For the second year, the Laguna Beach Mothers of Pre Schoolers group (MOPs) has filled shoeboxes to be distributed at Christmas to disadvantaged children all over the world.

More than 100 boxes were filled with toiletries, schools supplies, toys and treats for children that otherwise would not receive anything at Christmas time. Members of the group and Laguna Beach dentists donated the items to be donated through Operation Christmas Child, which collected 8.17 million shoeboxes in 2010.

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