Letter: At the Table


Many us heard of Laguna Beach years ago. We heard from friends who lived there, friends who visited, travel magazines, TV, Huell Howser. Some of us even decided to see what was up. And we went and we fell in love with the peace, the beauty, the pedestrian scale, the foliage and the sea.

We purchased a home, freshened it, painted it, mowed the lawn, learned the names of the neighbors’ dogs, and exchanged vegetables. “Planted a little garden and ate a lot of peaches.” Now we are greeted by name at Coast Hardware, 230, the Farmer’s Market.

But then came the new Napoleons, claiming they wanted to “help” the city by trading away our history for big-block hotels that resemble malls and outdoor installations that resemble Anaheim. Our own city council wants to harness the wild trees, remove the grasses, limit our idiosyncrasies, and teach us about art. At the end of their tiring day they lay down with the developers. Who are they helping? Shall I name them?

What has made Laguna so special has never been what these new kids believe it to be. And their blatant attacks against those that fight to conserve Laguna’s beauty is a clear indication of just how anxious they are to change things, and change them fast. But those of us that love Laguna for what it is are not all senior citizens in threadbare cardigans. We are active, educated, employed and determined. And lest there be any doubt, we are willing to fight the valiant fight.

I would suggest that those of us that care should be in attendance at Tuesday night’s council meetings. It may be a heady time for those behind the counter who pretend to speak for us, but they’ll not last past the next election. But they are determined, and like the world at large, there is damage being done by those in power. We too must speak.

Please join us on Tuesdays. To quote the old adage, “If you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re probably on the menu.”

Mace Morse, Laguna Beach


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