Opinion: Wisdom Workout


The Freedom to Choose

Susan Valesquez

I may have a brilliant new seminar idea. It will eliminate the tedious requirement of having to commit to self-honesty and the quest to progress through personal integrity.

I will call it “Mediocrity Inc.” A seminar experience to teach the art of underachieving.

I can picture it now. No more tedious striving for improvement. Instant thriving. Instant gratification. No pressure to make any hard choices. No standards of behavior. No inner criticism. No pressure to meet other’s expectations. No impossible expectations of self.

On a physical level, you can eat and drink as much as you want without considering or worrying about weight or health restrictions. No more strenuous exercise routines and self-recrimination when you don’t keep up with it.

Your monthly expenses will decrease drastically as you stop purchasing all those hair products, cosmetics, vitamins and in-style clothing in favor of good old soap, water and a couple of sweat suits with elastic waistbands.

Next, you can dismiss the expensive trip to the hairdressers in favor of the do-it-yourself method. Just let your locks grow naturally. Mentally, you can relax. You can give up reading in favor of quick soundbites gleaned as you surf your way to enlightenment through TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Google Search.

At work, I recommend that you apply for the position that holds the least opportunity for advancement. Preferably, go for the job no one else wants. What better way to ensure infinite job security? Learn the basics, set up your daily routine and forget about ever altering it. This will free you up to spend your work days completely on automatic pilot, never harboring tiresome expectations to increase your productivity or use any of your creativity.

You will never have to worry about losing your creative edge since you will keep your supply of creativity safely locked away in the recesses of your mind. I am sure this strategy will ultimately guarantee brain health throughout your lifetime since you will not be burning up brain cells at the rapid pace that most success mongers do.

Emotionally, the world will be your playground. You can growl, argue, demand, command and whine your way through all your interpersonal encounters. Vent your frustrations. Complain loudly to anyone in earshot when your needs are not instantly met. Return to that blissful state of emotional immaturity when, in your mind, the entire world revolves around you. Let go of any impulse control. Display your temper for all to see.

Evoke the art of blaming and judging others relentlessly.

I will caution you here that this behavior could backfire and make you very memorable, a stand-out from the crowd or worse yet you could be targeted as a ‘leader among leaders’ because you become brilliant in the art of mediocrity and arrogance without any restrictions.

Spiritually, you can give up meditating, chanting, praying and church services in favor of simply whining to the sky with upturned eyes every time your wishes are thwarted. Blame everything on God, your parents, or the government but never take it on yourself.

The only difficulty I can see with setting out to be mediocre is inherent in the definition.

Mediocre is defined as indifferent, commonplace, or ordinary. So far, so good. Moderation. Temperance. Uh oh. Temperance, as a noun, means control over one’s acts, thoughts or feelings. Moderation, restraint in action, thought or feeling. Sobriety, soberness, self-control, abstinence, and frugality.

Synonyms of temperate include being moderate, keeping or held within limits: not extreme or excessive. Mild. Marked by an absence or avoidance of extravagance, violence, or extreme partisanship.

It looks like there is no way to avoid the fact that everything comes down to freedom and also the responsibility of choice.

Choose success or mediocrity, but choose. Chaos or clarity. Choose. Drama or discernment. Choose. Involvement or avoidance. Choose. Victim or responsible. Choose. No matter how we approach it, moment-to-moment choices woven together seem to be what ultimately creates the unique fabric of our lives.

Susan has been a local since 1986 and is still congratulating herself on the choice to become a part of this special town. Contact her at susanvelasquez.com.

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