Letter: School board experience needed


The recent LTE from prior school board members is interesting, to say the least. While they are certainly entitled to support whomever they prefer it’s not only inappropriate but inaccurate to name-call other candidates “grievance candidates.” What’s becoming clear in this campaign is that the majority of the sitting and past board members consider any disagreement or opposing opinion as disrespectful and unacceptable. The very concept of civil discourse has been replaced with authoritarianism.

Sheri Morgan and Howard Hills are campaigning on “change”, fundamental change, far from anything grievance based. I’d actually have to agree that a vote for anyone else will simply result in more of the same:

More fiscal irresponsibility as Jan Vickers chaired the original $150 million facility master plan.

More top state tier salaries for administration leadership.

More turning a blind eye to the special needs of unique students.

More average “or a little bit better” test results.

More “doing what we want” and ignoring parents and community members.

More rubber stamping administration requests and policy changes.

More unchecked deferral of critical decisions to administration leadership.

Sheri and Howard’s only “grievance” is the quality and breadth of eduction for our children measured against the near top per student spending in the state. With the amazing resources available in our community LBUSD should be a top performing district…and it once was. Ms Morgan and Mr Hills are the only candidates with the necessary experience, skills, and Laguna Beach history to take the district from good back to great. They are both fully committed to returning the district to the standard of excellence our community deserves.

Gary Kasik, Laguna Beach

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