Letter: Support for Vickers and Boeck


We represent six former school board members who endorse Jan Vickers and Lauren Boeck for the Laguna Beach School Board. As former elected officials, we know the work requires collaboration, coalition building, advocating for public education, thoughtful leadership, strong governance, continuous learning, respect for the needs of all students, setting executive-level goals and supporting the superintendent in implementing them throughout the schools and district. Jan Vickers and Lauren Boeck are highly qualified and will continue the exceptional education that our strong community ties and shared values have created.

Jan Vickers has served on our LBUSD School Board for many years and has valuable institutional knowledge that consistently leads our district into the future. Jan has served as president of the school board and supported the strengthening of our district with expanded pathways for students in college/career courses, adding preschool and transitional kindergarten, recognition of CA Green Ribbon school, strengthening course offerings, continued focus on student support, expanding mental health services, and prioritizing students’ needs. Jan is a long-time public servant and past teacher who knows the importance of collaboration as a board member.

Lauren Boeck has the experience needed to serve effectively on the LBUSD School Board. Lauren is also a parent in the district, which provides a perspective needed on the school board. Lauren has a master’s in education, has served as a middle school principal, and presently serves on PTA and SchoolPower. Lauren also serves on the Laguna Beach Recreation Committee. She works with our school leaders to positively impact the student experience in Laguna schools. She is well respected by staff and parents. Lauren brings impressive credentials and an engaged parent voice to our district.

We are concerned about two of the other candidates, as they are running on grievances and have a history of browbeating staff and students. They do not reflect the community ties or values we want to share with LBUSD students. As former Laguna Beach school board members, we have over half a century of experience and understand better than anyone that time and commitment are the district’s most valuable assets. And no time or energy should be wasted on grievance candidates.

We urge you to vote for the two most qualified candidates running this election for the Laguna Beach School Board: Jan Vickers and Lauren Boeck. They will continue the excellence in Laguna schools, support goals and improvements, while putting student’s needs first. Laguna schools will continue to thrive under their leadership.

Former Laguna Beach Unified School Board Members Betsy Jenkins, Carol Normandin, Therese O’Hare, Peggy Wolff, Ketta Brown and Timothy D. Carlyle.

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