Letter: Remembering 9/11


Wednesday marked the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on America. My oldest son was attending New York University that day while his younger brother and sister were getting ready to head off to Top of the World Elementary School. Despite the fact more than two decades have passed since that fateful day, I remember how utterly stunned I was watching both World Trade Center towers collapse in real time. Being a baby boomer, I grew up hearing stories about the Dec. 7 attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. Today, my two boys are fathers, and my daughter is almost 30. For them, I’m guessing Sept. 11 always will be their “date which will live in infamy.” My hope is that here in Laguna, and coast to coast, families never forget what happened in 2001.

Denny Freidenrich, Laguna Beach

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