Letter: Response to Gene Felder’s letter


In response to Gene Felder’s letter in the April 26 edition of the Indy regarding Village Laguna’s Charm House Tour – bar none, this classic tour has focused on what makes Laguna so special.

For 20 years, I was in charge of house selection and met some of the best folks in the world who were willing and generous enough to share their historic and contemporary homes with the public. 

It is an added achievement of this tour for the public, locals and outsiders, to go inside these beautiful homes and feel that intimate connection with our community. The tour is all-encompassing, from walking through the home and outside to the garden and passing many notable buildings along the guided route of the tour buses. 

It is a remarkable gift to Laguna, showcasing the heart and soul of our town. Long may it continue, and see you on the tour on Sunday, May 19. For information, go to VillageLaguna.org

Charlotte Masarik, Laguna Beach

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